Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Confidence To Obey" - Again

What comes later, the confidence to obey, or the act of obedience? What do you think? Okay, let me tell you why it is that the confidence to obey is first: because the Holy Spirit that dwells inside of us is sure! He is Holy, and He is pure. If we could only be obedient to everything that we are instructed in, then we would realize the awesome power that lives inside of us. But, such is the life of the average Christian; always needing to be corrected, and never willing to be controlled. It was not that way at first, because everything was so new; but as we grew in the Lord, we learned how not to be obedient in all things. Some may think that this is something which requires no instruction; but I do not. It is really quite the opposite of what we are to be confident in when we take up sins that we have been delivered from. Let me put that another way, by saying, that the act of obedience is to 'follow' the confidence to obey; and when it does not, that is the instruction that we are teaching our New Creature in Christ; verses the instruction that the Holy Spirit is there to provide. The more we give instruction to the New Creature that we are in Christ Jesus, the less confidence we have in our ability to obey; and instead of learning how to obey, we learn how to sin. Yes, I know that we were born in sin, so what's to learn? However, the point that I am trying to make has to do with obedience; which for the most part, was fresh and pure when we first believed. To be established again requires a heart that is willing to forfeit all that is not holy, and to begin to yield to everything that the Holy Spirit gives instruction in: Everything!!! It is harder now than it was when we first believed, because now we have learned how to sin and have lost the confidence to obey. Does that mean that we are no longer filled with the Spirit? No, I do not think that is the case; but rather, we have given ground over to the flesh, and there must be victory won on behalf of the Spirit for that ground to be taken back. This is where I go back to two very important Scriptures: Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ: and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled." (2 Corinthians 10:5 & 6)

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