Sunday, August 14, 2011

"The Key of Knowledge" -3

Did you think about what I said yesterday, about how New Believers have a better grasp on what is required of them then us that are seasoned in the Lord? Do you know why that is? The Key of Knowledge is the knowledge of Christianity in general, but more importantly it is the practical knowledge; in other words, what takes place to make us into a New Creature in Jesus Christ. Depending on the experience you might have had the moment you received Christ and were filled with His Spirit, it should have been the most dynamic experience that anyone could have known. Some people are not affected that much, or maybe they really don't know what just happened, so they are confused about the freedom that they are feeling and why they somehow feel far removed from worry. While others (like me), are amazed that The God who created the universe would love them so much, that He would put Himself upon a cross to die for their sins, and to give them eternal life with Him! The power of the Cross; that is what I am talking about! It is unmistakable power that transforms the man of sin into a child of God; the 'I was lost, but now I'm found' experience that takes place the hour that we first believe. So, as we look again to what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, it is this dynamic power that I believe he is referring to when he says, "casting down imaginations (reckonings), and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge (key of knowledge) of God", because it is the transformation from the old creature to the new that is the most powerful proof in the life of a Believer. Wine made from water used to wash your hands!!! That is experience: really good wine, from dirty water...

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