Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Getting Right With God"

"For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by Love." (Galatians 5:6) If you really think about it, there is only Love that is the law that we serve; so where we transgress against God, is by not demonstrating love to Him, and to our brothers and sisters. Have you ever wondered if someone was loving you, or just wanting you to think that they loved you? That in and of itself is wrong; because we are not to judge the intentions of an others heart, that is up to God to do. We are to love, regardless of what motivates someone else! Paul is speaking of a true, lively faith which purifies the heart and works by Love. This works for our faith in God, as well as in our relationships with our brothers and sisters. To see my point, think about what your faith in God is based upon: it is based upon the fact that God loves you. It was the same also for Abraham, in that he believed that God loved him and was going to establish a nation for him; it was founded upon love: God's love for him, which produced his love for God. Now, when it comes to our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to be governed by this same love; not judging their intentions, but by faith, based upon love for one another, we purify our hearts of anything which would speak against them; that would include 'wondering what their intentions are'. Having said that, I should also remind us all, that our Pastors are also our brothers in Christ; which means that we must also purify our hearts of anything which would speak against them!!! You might not think that this is much of a problem, but it is a bigger problem than you think. We that are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, must be praying for those that are leading our churches. We must be fiercely in prayer for our Pastor; because the enemy wants to take him out, and will stop at nothing to do just that. How in the world do you think that you can seriously pray for your Pastor, if you have in your heart, things which are held against him? They are only men, like you and I; but with one big difference: they have a big bulls eye on them from the enemy, which is meant to destroy them...

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