Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Weary Servants"

You might have gathered by the title of today's post, that this post is about being weary in well doing; yes and no. Galatians 6:9 has a reference to just that kind of statement, but for now I wanted to express what was on my heart this morning: actually weary servants! No one likes to have enemies; at least I know that I don't; but for some reason, those that are to be loving there brothers and sisters, can sure find it easy to dismiss that command when it comes to a Pastor of a church that they have left. I can tell you something that you may not want to hear, but it is something which must be said: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7) I have watched family after family, with only a few exceptions, who have left the church in a manner that is not an expression of Love for God and His servants, and have tried to fraction the fellowship by attempting to justify their actions; only to find their own life, family, or relationship with God, to be torn apart down the road. This is no joke! It is the work of the devil, and it must be stopped! Meanwhile, the Pastors of these fellowships are put through some of the harshest battles; and for what? Someones prideful display of revolt in something said, done, or imagined? I have had four churches that I have called my Home Church in the last 30 years: Calvary Chapel of Downey was the first, which we left for Hosanna Chapel in 1986 because we bought a new home within walking distance from the church; however, we would still attend Calvary Downey for special events, like concerts and freedom festivals on the 4th of July. Hosanna Chapel was also a Calvary Chapel, it just had a different name; it also had some really powerful ministries, like a strong cults ministry, where we would go to large W.T.S. functions and had out tracts; a food ministry that would literally feed thousands of the hungry; and our Evangelist on staff, Ray Comfort, who would take teams of people to MacArthur Park to minister to the homeless, or to the beach, to put on mock funeral services right on the beach. In 1990 we moved to Palo Cedro, where we attended Little Country Church, which was also a Calvary Chapel fellowship; and we remained there until they moved to Redding, at which time a Calvary Chapel moved to Palo Cedro, and I felt called to that fellowship. So far, I have not felt called anywhere else; and four Pastors later, I am still here! Oh, I have sometimes thought of leaving; it has been really rough, and at one point, I was pretty much the only one in leadership left; but it is my church: my family! And like a family, there are always some which can make you wonder: what have they been smoking? But anyway, I have said time and time again, to anyone that was leaving the church: Where are you being called? Therefore, I am not going anywhere, not until I am called to be somewhere else!!!

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