Monday, May 23, 2011

"True Light"

"Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in Him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the True Light now shineth." (1 John 2:8) As I was pondering the idea that love in us must be unfiltered, it came to me that God's love for us is not, because He filters out all of our sins by the blood of Jesus Christ. We on the other hand are not capable of doing that, because we do not have that capacity within us; therefore, our only hope in being able to achieve unconditional love towards one another is to let God's light vanquish the darkness that comes between us. There is a real difference between light that is reflected and light that is true; because light which is reflected does not actually come from within, but is superficial, deceitful and false. Okay, I think you are wondering what I am talking about; yes? Maybe I need a whiteboard like Karl Rove so I can draw out the difference? but that would not work, because the only way to really see and understand is for the darkness to be removed, then the true light becomes apparent. In other words; we can not say the we are in the light if we have hate in our hearts towards our brothers and sisters; and if we are assuming that we are in the light, we are just receiving reflected light from association with the church, but not from fellowship with God. Which is why the light which we might have is not from within us, but has it's origin from without, and is not really a light which we possess. As we look closely to what John is saying in this amazing Book, we can see a certain pattern of thought which he is trying to express; one that is rooted in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and can only be acknowledged by those whom share in that fellowship. That might sound a little limited, right? However, John tries to expand that limitation repeatedly by giving the reader an opportunity to accept God's offer of forgiveness, and to be vanquished of the darkness, so that they might possess the True Light...

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