Sunday, May 22, 2011

"God is Light"

"This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5) God does not hurt us; God does not cause us pain; God is not out to pay us back for our mistakes. Do you get the picture? God is Light, and in Him there is nothing which is associated with unhappiness or ruin; as Light is not only the emblem of happiness but is also itself beneficial, darkness in like manner works unhappiness and death. So it is safe to say that the darkness John is referring to is not just a figurative term for sin, but also for the consequences of sin. Which means that it is not God who caused the hurt, but sin, and all that sin has ruined. Therefore, if we want to hold something accountable for the hurt in our life, then that which we must hold accountable is sin! But God, He is all Light, and He deserves our love, full on, and with no restrictions; which means that we do not doubt Him. Am I saying that love is associated with trust? I believe I am; yes indeed I am! We can not love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength without first trusting Him 100% with all that we are. Okay, so what about loving our brothers and sisters? Does the same apply to the love we have for them? Yes and no; because we are fallible, but God is not. However, the love which we have for our brothers and sisters is based upon the love which we have for God; meaning that all of our trust is placed in God, including the trust that is required towards them. In other words, we have all of our faith vested in God's ability to protect and keep us safe, even from those which might in ignorance mean to hurt us; therefore we are free to love them unconditionally because we trust God will provide for our protection, and we will not be vulnerable for abuse or have our love taken advantage of. So, the unconditional love that we have towards those that we might not otherwise trust completely, is based upon the complete trust that we have in God, because God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all...

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