Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Everlasting Life"

Might I ask another Question? Well guess what; I just did. No, really, I wanted to ask you if you really know that you have Everlasting Life or not; do you? My answer is, definitely yes! How do we know for sure? because the Life that is living in us, which is eternal, will verify to us that it is so. Throughout the New Testament the word used to express 'eternal life' is the word 'Zoe', which, depending on the context of the verse, will always mean to live in this present tense or the hereafter. What generally sets the meaning of the word, is the few words before or after the word that is used to express 'eternal life'. For example: in John 3:36, the word that establishes the meaning of word 'everlasting life' or 'Zoe' is the word 'hath', which gives this word it's present tense meaning. Couple that with the context of the verse and we can see that the next portion of the sentence says, "he that believeth not the Son shall not see life"; which, if you know what it feels like to experience being free from sin, you can testify that the feeling is something that is not only felt, but is lived out from deep within your very soul. There is no easy way to explain what it feels like to be set free from sin, because only those that have been set free can even begin to comprehend it. The simplest thing that I know to explain this experience and the benefits that are brought with it, would be to go all the way back to my childhood, and think of a time when I did nothing wrong and life was peaceful for a day. I have to go pretty far back, because the older I had gotten, the more I realized that it would not last but a day or so; but the point I was making, is that the closest thing that I could find to express what it feels like is a day of total peace. Now, imagine that day, and stretch it out into eternity; that is the peace that comes to those that have eternal Life. Why is that possible? Because the wrath of God has been removed!!! Couple that with the Life that is given, which is the Life that had been removed from man in the Garden, and you have not only the peace that surpasses all understanding, but you have also the removal of the guilt of sin, which is what caused man to not fellowship with God. It is this guilt that has been removed which causes us to feel comfortable as we fellowship with a Holy God, which we would not be able to do unless we were washed in the blood of Jesus. And because we are able to have this fellowship with God, which is not based upon what we have done, but upon what Jesus has done, we can experience the Everlasting Life that has been given to us now, which is available only in His dwelling place... "So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is Life because of righteousness." (Romans 8:8-10)

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