Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Taking Hold of Life" -2

In case you were wondering what the word 'immutable' means, and why the writer of Hebrews used it twice in verses 17 & 18 of chapter 6, it means unchangeable. In other words, God counsel or His constitutional will is unchangeable; which is the expression of "the immutability of His counsel" used in verse 17. While the meaning of the "two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie" which is expressed in verse 18, speaks about one being God's promise and the other His oath in regard to the absolute truthfulness of His word. To a greater extent, the point that is being made has to do with trusting God at His word; the which, He has put in greater regard than His very name; which means that His word is more infinite than His name. Combine that with the work Jesus Christ has done to secure our salvation, and you have the substance of our faith; something that is held unto and is immutable. Does that mean it can not be let go of? no, I don't think it does. However, as I have said already, once we have made that choice to grab hold of the rope, He is the one who pulls us to safety; and once we are safe in Him, we will not be able to fall even if we did let go; why? Because He has lassoed us by the rope, which in case you have forgotten, is His Word which has been given to us; which is the strongest rope that there could ever be. So, what do you think happens when we let go? Do we fall over the edge of the cliff? Maybe just a little, yes. Maybe just enough to remind us of the fate we have escaped from; but never enough to be damaged forever; why is that? Because He has promised by His word, that is unchangeable, to never leave us or forsake us; and I think that someone who might forsake Him, does not change His never. Which is the reason for Jesus to be referred to as "the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek", for it is He who makes intersession for us as our Mediator; entering before us, into the Holiest, that we may also enter in by the sprinkling of His blood. This is our hope that is laid hold of, that we are secure in Him, and that there is nothing, absolutely nothing more secure than His promise... "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:14 & 15)

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