Thursday, May 19, 2011

"True Confession" -3

"If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." (1 John 1:10) We know that God's rights have been trespassed when we sin, because it is by His very word that He has established all boundaries of what is right and wrong. And yet, people go on each and every day setting their own boundaries as to what is lawful and what is not. Where we get into trouble is when the boundaries we set cross over into those of others, especially those that are set by God. Okay, so what about when others cross our boundaries? Then what are we to do, push back? I know; we are within our rights to rip them up one side and another, until they repent for trespassing against us; right? Is that what you want God to do to you when you sin against Him? If we look at 'The Lord's Prayer', we can see that Jesus was showing an example of this type of forgiveness when He said, "Forgive us of our debts, as we forgive our debtors". Does that mean we are to roll over and let someone take advantage of us? Well (that's a deep subject), but I think we need to look to the Master for His demonstration and His instructions in this matter; or does what He did and say matter at all? Here is the thing that I am saying, which we must take into account while we are asking God to forgive us of our sins, and that is the new law which we are under, which is the law of Love. Now that we have been placed under this new law, we no longer are under the old law which dictates all those things that unlawful for us; but we are now under a new law that is grounded and rooted in Love. Love which has no boundaries; nor does it have conditions which must be met in order that it will be given! Unconditional love is love that is freely given, without expecting or requiring anything in return! So, as we ask forgiveness, hoping to be cleansed from all unrighteousness, we must truly consider Who's rights that we have violated; because this new law that we are under is all about His Love...

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