Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Global Warning"

Here is how I see it: Al and Harold are both wrong! Jesus said we would not know the day nor the hour of His coming; that pretty much sums up the possibilities of being able to predict the day, let alone the hour also. And as far as all this 'Global Warming' stuff that our children are being fed in school, I believe it is a distraction straight from the pit of hell, to take them and us off our guard; to put the focus of what is causing these natural disasters onto something other than the 'End Times'. Because, Jesus also said we would be able to tell the Season of His coming, and if you haven't noticed, lately it is hard to tell when a season starts and ends; which makes predicting the day Winter ends and Spring begins pretty difficult, because here in Shasta Lake, I think we missed Spring this year. Therefore, we still cannot predict the day Jesus will be returning, even after knowing it is the Season of His coming, but we can be assured that His coming is soon. Thinking about this all night and this morning, I could not help but imagine the reason why the earth will react to His coming the way that it does; after all He created the heavens and the earth, why shouldn't they tremble at His coming? This will be no small event, because Jesus also said that if someone tells you He has come, or He is here or over there, don't listen to them, because as the lightning flashing across the sky, so will be the sign of His coming; which basically means that no one will be able to miss it when they are looking for it. However, I do believe that not everyone will see it, because they will not be looking for it; thus the main reason for the devils distraction, to place man's concern on logical answers to the reason for these great changes in our earth's condition. Personally, I think it is the earth's reaction to the soon return of it's Creator; He who commands it's rotation and it's balance. Co2 gases, nor any other thing that man can design will not be able to alter God's plan for the earth; but those that do not believe in God are not looking for the sign of His plan, nor do they believe that there is a plan. How sad is it to think that you are alone on a dying planet? I really feel for our kids in these public schools; between catastrophic disaster and gender identity, they really are getting dragged to hell...

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