Monday, May 16, 2011

"Fully Exposed"

"If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John 1:6 & 7) I am not trying to say that people who do not pray for extended periods of time walk in darkness, that is not the point I wish to make; although, there may be something about that concept. What I am saying, is that when we spend enough time praying to the Father, all of our darkness gets fully exposed by His light. However, just so you know, the times that I personally will find myself not committing to my block of time to be in fellowship with the Father, are usually times that I am not really wanting to have something fully exposed. That might sound like someone who is holding onto sin, right? Yes, I think that anything we put between us and our relationship with God is sin; even the stuff we might not agree is sin, like hurt or unforgiveness. As I was saying before, and I will say it again: to be forgiven of all my sin, I must give Him all of it to forgive. If anyone thinks that he is without sin, then they really have not spent enough time in the Light; and if you spend enough time in His light you will find out that hurt is also something which must be given up. I know that I have spoken about this before, but not like this; because in order for me to fully love someone unconditionally, I must not associate that person with hurt. But you say, But I've been hurt, and the pain never goes away. Really? How bad were you hurt? Were you spat upon and beaten? Were you mocked and crucified? Probably not! It is not easy to do, but God can do it; because all things are possible through Him; even stopping the hurt, so that love can be given unfiltered...

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