Friday, December 17, 2010

"Turning Our Hearts"

"But he who doeth Truth cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God." (John 3:21) This is where the rubber meets the road for our hearts to turn towards God; we must be willing to be changed! If we are serious about our relationship with God, then we will do those things which bring us into a closer relationship with Him, period! At this time, I must confess that this has not been a strong point of my Christian walk. As I look back over the last 29 years, I can see where I have done a 'pick and choose' when it comes to this principle of 'Being Holy'. But I can tell you right here and now, it does not work! You can not pick and choose from those things that are revealed, and turn from some, while keeping others; sin is sin, and all sin has the same effect on our hearts. Maybe you are not aware what sin does to your heart, or are you? Here is the thing about 'confessing our sin': it is our response to our deeds being manifest, which makes us acknowledge to God that we have been made aware of the sin, and ask Him to forgive us of that sin. So then; if after having asked forgiveness for that sin, we then take that sin back into our life, we are making a heart that will be turned back to stone. What does it mean to have a heart of stone? Well, it is not a good thing, that is for sure; but the most important thing we need to know about this heart of stone, is that our heart was stone before we met Jesus. It was Jesus Christ who changed our heart from that of stone, to a heart that could receive and hold God's love; but unconfessed sin will harden our hearts, and create in us a love for that sin which we have stowed away in our heart. Yes, I said a love for sin; because that is what happens! We can not serve to masters!!! "For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his deeds should be reproved." (John 3:20) As you read this verse, you will most likely associate this to those that have rejected Jesus; but I want you to think about something very important: holding onto sin, is also rejecting Jesus!

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