Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Being Made Whole" - 2

As I was saying, 'Faith' requires Knowing; much like what is stated in Psalm 100, "Know ye that the Lord He is God", we must Know! And, I will even take it further than that; we must not only Know Him, but we must Know what He has done for us, and believe that His Love for us is the reason why He has done all that He has. Okay, maybe the believing part is not yet that easy to see as the trigger for 'being made whole'; maybe you are not yet convinced that it only requires 'Believing in Jesus Christ to be Saved'! You are not alone; sadly to say, many there are that don't accept that Truth either; because, how can just believing in one man change a heart and a mind? Well, are you wondering that? Before this year is over, I would like to explain it plainly; but it might take a whole lifetime to convince some that it is true. The first place to start, would be to look at the word 'repent', which has several different meanings, and has been used so wrongly in many circles; but the main meaning that I would like to consider at this time, is, 'to change one's mind'. This I believe is the simplest way to describe the word 'repent', because true repentance requires that one change his or her reason, which means thought or basis. In other words, you have now come to understand why sin is what it is, and you also have come to understand what is sin. The other requirement needed for true repentance is a changed heart, and this is the one which can get a little complicated to explain. In order for us to have a changed heart, God must change it; we are not capable enough to change our hearts, it is only something that is brought about by God. Maybe you don't believe that, and you are thinking that your heart is able to be changed by what you think? Well, you can think that if you want, but the way I see it, God will first change our heart, which then allows us to be able to think properly. What I am trying to say, is that before we can even consider repenting, or changing our minds, we must have a changed heart. And, to put it in a more reasonable way: Only God can give us the ability to change our minds! (Reasonable???) This is the beginning of Believing: that we must first come to Jesus Christ, believing that He has died for our sins, and that He has pulled us out of that deep, deep hole which is full of fire; which then, after believing, we are made accessible to God, because of the removal of sin; which then allows the Holy Spirit to dwell within us; and because the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within us, we have a heart that has been changed. Now; because we have this changed heart, true repentance can take place, which is 'the changing of our mind'. "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God". (John 3:3)

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