Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"THE GIFT" - Remains!

"But God, Who is rich in mercy, for His Great Love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by Grace ye are Saved);" (Ephesians 2:4 & 5) Well, I thought about it all day yesterday, and again last night, and I have come to the conclusion that I am in the Right Line! Yes, there is no doubt in my heart or mind that I am Saved; even though I mess up; even though I have trouble dealing with sin; even though I fall. Do you know why I am so sure? Do you? How about because I love God? (He put that Love in my heart.) How about because I want to do those things that are pleasing to Him? (He put that desire within me.) Or, how about because He Loves me still? He has not changed His mind about me; nor has He removed the Gift He has given me. In fact, I am not convinced that we can ever loose our Salvation; even if we walked away from God, I am not convinced that would be enough to cut one off from being Saved; why? Because God does not break His covenant with us! We, on the other hand are not so able to keep our promises, or even our commitments; but God, He does not fail, nor falter! Okay, let me ask you a question (one I asked myself over the last 24 hours): If God loved you while you were dead in sins, don't you think He still loves you now, even if you might sin? Jesus Christ died for ALL of our sins, even those which might be committed after our conversion to Christ; ALL means ALL as far as I can tell. This is what Joy, Peace and Hope is all about; that God loves us so much, He would not have any to perish (that means none), and has provided a Way wherein anyone who believes upon His Son Jesus Christ, Will Be Saved! It is not, I repeat, not based upon our abilities; nor is it based upon our holiness (we have none in ourselves); it is based upon His Son Jesus Christ and the Blood of His Son that covers us (washing away ALL sin). I might lose my rewards, but I can not loose my Salvation! Why? Because Christ Remains!!!!!!!!!!

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