Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Turning Our Hearts" - 2

"For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. " (John 3:17) God never moves! I hope you get that; yes? I don't care how far you drift away from Him, as soon as you repent, there He is, right behind you! There is something we must come to understand about God's love for us, it is not based upon our actions; nor is it based upon our lack of actions; it is based upon His Love for us, which is not based upon anything but His Love. As I thought about yesterday's post (and believe me, I thought about it all day and night), I had to wonder just how much rejection the Lord can take, and still love me. And in the process of my wondering, I realized that He is really use to being rejected; in fact, the Bible says, "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." (John 1:10 & 11) And that was one of the softest declarations of the world rejecting Him. But the more I thought about me, about how I have rejected Him, I realized that the power to be saved is really in acceptance! That is what is meant by "might be saved"; that we, being His sheep, must accept His shepherding; which means that we are to listen and obey. So, that sin I hold onto, no matter how small I might think that it is, is a willful act of disobedience to the Shepherd's Voice; or to put it another way, it is me rejecting what the Lord is asking me to do. Picture this with me: here I am, a little sheep in the Shepherd's pasture, and outside of that pasture are all the things that can harm or even kill me, and yet, I will disobey His instruction and wonder off into destruction. How lame is that? But God!!!!!! Thank You for Loving me!!!

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