Friday, December 3, 2010

"Straitened In My Own Bowels"

This is critical stuff ! I am persuaded that the real reason for my stumbling, is not because of anything that I lack of God, because God has provided 'all' that I need. Again, this word which Paul uses in 2 Corinthians 6:12, "Straitened", is a word that means restricted, or crowded on every side. Now, as I think of the vision which I had yesterday of myself, and the man of God rising up from within me, this word seems to take on a whole new meaning to me. Because now what I can envision, is the cares of this world, the desires of the flesh, the sin which so easily takes me captive, all those things are restricting me from rising to the position which I need to be for that man of God to be that powerful, uncontainable, and victorious person that I saw in the vision. In fact, as I was thinking and praying about this last night, I could sense the Lord telling me that, it is almost as if I have purposely installed a governor on the level of victory that I have over sin. In other words; the point to which I am truly and completely victorious is never reached, not because God has not given me the tools and ability to reach it, but because every time I seem to be heading in that direction, and there seems to finally be a breakthrough, I push the pause button; or, if you will, I take a dive backwards. Maybe I am just strange, and I am the only one this seems to happen to; but then again, as I look at what Paul is saying here in this letter to Corinth, I have to wonder just how strange it is. Maybe the thing I must look at is what Paul meant by "Bowels", because he could have been talking about constipation; but I am pretty sure that he was talking about 'the heart of man'. And I am willing to bet that he was actually taking it to the next level, and was speaking about 'the heart of the inner man'; and in that sense, it would then apply to the passion of that inner man to be able to stand; and when I say stand, I don't mean to just stand up, but to able to stay standing, no matter what tries to knock him down! I am sorry, but I must continue this tomorrow, so until then, I will leave you with this to think about: What is the one thing which we have been given from God that would be associated with 'Bowels' ?

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