Monday, December 27, 2010

"The Alter Call"

Having said what I said, let me clarify why I said it. I truly believe that before we can actually receive Jesus Christ into our hearts, we must have a heart that is surrendered to Him. But that does not go without saying that some receive Him without surrendering, because many do; unfortunately, the result of that is usually a life in Christ which is either short lived, or lived on terms directed by that person and not the Lord. If coming forward to give one's life to Christ is not necessary, then how do you surrender? Do you do it by raising your hand? Maybe that will be sufficient; but even that is passive and secretive; especially when the preacher says, 'Now, with all eyes closed and heads bowed, if anyone wants to receive Jesus, raise your hand'. Okay, so maybe I am being legalistic in a way by thinking that you must go forward; but I have seen the difference between the two types of surrenders; one is based upon full surrender, the other is based upon raising an arm. Then, we take it to the next level down, which is what I mentioned yesterday, and we have no outward surrender at all; just a repeat after me prayer, which may or may not even need to be said out load. I know that some of you will not agree with what I am saying, that is understandable; especially those of you who received Jesus into your life by raising your hand; because that is how I came to the Lord. That preacher said, 'Raise your hand', and I raised both; but then he didn't stop with that, because after all hands were raised, he called for everyone with their hands raised to come forward. There is just something about making a outward expression of surrender that makes Salvation more meaningful. This is why I believe that some churches teach that you must be baptized in order to be Saved; which is the outward expression of an inward transformation. Personally, I do not believe this is true; however, I also do not believe it is untrue, as strange as that may sound; because, what is the difference from me saying that you must come forward, and some saying that you must be baptized? Both require an action of surrender, right? I think the availability of water might be considered as part of the equation, yes? In Acts 8:26-40, we can find the story of Philip and the Ethiopian; this is partly the reason I do not believe that you must be baptized to be Saved; in fact, I believe that you must be Saved before you can be baptized, which is the example we see in this story. In verse 35, we see Philip preaching Jesus to the Ethiopian; and as they traveled down the road, verse 36 says, "And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water; and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?" "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." (verse 37) I know that many will not accept what I am saying, even a lot of Pastors and others serving in the ministry; but this is just my opinion anyways, so deal with it. But, all that I am saying, is for someone to make a true commitment to Jesus Christ, there must be a response which consist of an act of surrender. Okay, here is something to think about: if you were at war with an enemy, and the enemy surrendered to you, yet stayed hidden in the bushes, would you consider that a surrender? (I'm just saying.)

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