Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"A Heart of Surrender"

This blog has been fun, but it has also been challenging; I have had days where I did not want to do it, I felt that I just could not; yet some how, after praying and reading His Word, I just had to express what I heard. The one thing which I have come to realize from this adventure (and it has been quite the adventure), is that He truly has given us everything we need to be able to walk in holiness; but we must learn to surrender! There is nothing that we can not do in Christ, if we are surrendered to His will and to His love. If you think about the first miracle that Jesus did, which was making water into wine at a marriage celebration; although it was His mother that asked Him to do this miracle, it is very significant to who we are in Christ. First off, the waterpots which were used for washing or purifying; there were six of them, and they contained about 15 to 25 gallons of water each, and they were made of stone. The fact that there were six of them, may or may not matter much, but it is the number which represents man; however, the fact that they were made of stone, that matters much; for our hearts were considered to be hearts of stone before Christ enters into them. And the purpose of these pots, which was for the purifying of the Jews, it too has a very significant meaning to what Christ has done for us, and what we are to do for Him. There are several different ways that these waterpots were used, and all of them were in one way or another were for ceremonial purification; which we could associate to our works toward God, to try and cleanse ourselves. It says in John 2:7, "Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them to the very brim." Not that it maters (but I think it does!), but the fact that these waterpots were filled to the brim, tells me that there was no room for anything else; it also tells me, that they were filled to capacity, which also tells me, that if these waterpots represent my life, then I must put everything into this heart that is to be given to Him. This filling of the waterpots to the very brim, is what I believe, represents total surrender; it also represents a complete filling of God's Word, because it is the Word of God which will change us! Finally; the wine, which represents the Holy Spirit; filled to capacity, these waterpots which once were filled with water, used for ceremonial purposes, are now filled with wine, to be used for the marriage celebration. Okay, maybe you are not seeing what I see; but there is a similarity between what the vessels were used for before, and what they were being used for afterwards; or maybe it's just my crazy mind, and all the acid I took when I was younger? "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto Him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." (John 3:3-5)

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