Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Knock Knock"

No, this is not a joke, but this much I know, I do not have to ask Who is there! Last night the Lord was showing me so many things, I don't know how to list them, or in what order. But this much I know, the most important thing that I saw, was that my basic problem is that I can not comprehend God's Love; it is just way beyond my understanding. Yet, as soon as I think I have it comprehended, I find myself not living it out!!! I think I would call that being inferior? And if you really want to try and figure out why I would call it being inferior, it is not to hard to find the answer to that One! What does it mean to be one of His sheep? I remember seeing a picture as a small child of a Shepherd carrying a lamb upon his shoulders. At that age, I did not really understand this picture, but I have come to know what it really means. You see, sometimes a lamb is very stubborn and will not obey the shepherds voice, and that staff that is shown in the shepherds hand, the one with the hook at the top, well that is for breaking the leg of the lamb that will not obey. Then after breaking the leg of that lamb, the shepherd will carry it where ever he goes, and that stubborn lamb is always by his side. God will not stop loving us, which is what we just do not understand; how can we? Look at ourselves; look at yourself; see how easy it is to let a wound fester in our hearts, and hate springs up. Unconditional Love is something that is so foreign to us, that we can not contain it. Oh, we might be able to walk around thinking that we have it; but as soon as someone ruffles our feathers the wrong way, and we let that get a foothold in our hearts, we are no longer loving unconditionally. God does not think like we do, nor does He try and make our hearts hurt because we have hurt His. But, what He does do, He does because He loves us; not to get even with us. Does that mean it does not hurt? No, not at all; and if you think about that little lamb, do you think it hurt to have it's leg broken? And was it a necessary thing to do? "That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal Life." (John 3:15) What this verse says is the reason that it really matters: He will not let me perish, and in Him I have eternal Life. So, as I look again to this wonderful little lamb which is upon the shoulders of his Shepherd, I can know with great assurance that little lamb is loved. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand. I and My Father are One." (John 10:27-30)

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