Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Passing The Torch" - part 4

There is something which needs to be instilled deep within the hearts of our children, and needs to be put forth with passion: The Mercy of God! We need to be able to articulate with our actions towards them how important God's mercy is to our eternal souls; and how do we do that? Most importantly, would be that we must be slow to wrath; in other words, we must not explode in a fit of rage against our children. This kind of reaction to their disobedience is something that can not be taken back. I hope you just got what I said? When we explode in a fit of rage against our children, we leave a scar upon their hearts, which may be able to be smoothed over, but will never go away. Ephesians 6:4 says, "And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." We have to be able to instill upon their hearts what the mercies of God really mean to our lives; and to be able to do that, our own hearts towards them must show signs of mercy, long suffering, and patience. Secondly; we need to understand within our own hearts just how Great God's Mercy is towards us; and then, with wisdom and the guiding of the Holy Spirit, explain to them over and over how we have been delivered from an eternal damnation. This is really something that has been not been spoken of enough in our churches, let alone our families. It seems no one wants to speak about the fires of hell, or the punishment for sin; but this is really the reason for God's Mercy: That we should be able to escape the damnation we have been born into, by receiving God's Mercy, which He has provided to us, through His Son Jesus Christ. Nothing is more important to instill into the hearts and minds of our children then the Gospel message, and that it is because of Jesus and His death upon the cross, that we have been saved from the power of sin and death. There seems to be a pattern in many churches today, to kind of skirt around this issue; and to focus instead upon the hope, peace, love and joy; which are the fruits of being redeemed, but in and of themselves, do not provide redemption; but instead can provide a false assurance. Basically, what I am trying to say with that statement is: If the reason for coming to Christ is to have hope, peace, love and joy, you will not be secure in Christ, because those reasons will not stand the testing of your faith; however, if the reason for your coming to Christ is to be saved from the damnation which would otherwise be your fate, then the testing of your faith will cause strengthening, and a deeper walk in the Lord. We have to know and believe, that from which we have been saved from, in order to appreciate the salvation that we have been given; and this knowledge must be handed down unto our children. They need to know the reason why it is so very, very important that they continue a life that is surrendered to God, and why they need Jesus! "For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His Mercy toward them that fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him." (Psalms 103:11-13)

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