Friday, June 25, 2010

"Persuaded By Love"

How do I know God is Real? Because He has manifested His Love towards us! If there is one thing that God has put forth to persuade us of who He is, it is His love for us; of which, there can be no denying. For His sacrifice for us is the testimony of that abundant Love; which expresses more than mere words can explain. In the first half of John chapter 3, we can see one of the greatest illustrations of God reasoning with someone about His love for us. This encounter is commonly known as 'Nic at Night'; and involves a man coming to Jesus at night to find out the reason which He was sent by God. But it quickly turns into a moment where God reasons with a man about His Love. This encounter is very similar to Paul's experience with Jesus on the road to Damascus; because Paul, who was Saul at the time, was on a mission to seek out those that were believers in Jesus, and persecute them; yet on his way, he meet the Lord, was blinded by a Great Light, and then spent several days reasoning with God about His Love. There is really something to be said about getting alone with God to reason with Him about how much He loves us; it is life changing. This is something that I believe God has quite an interest in: to reason with us about how much He loves us; if we would only take the time to do so. Because if we do take the time to reason with Him about how much He loves us, then we would be persuaded by His love for us; which would cause us to realize just how much He really does love us. It is the love that He has for us, that is greater than anything else to persuade us to follow Him, and to die to ourselves. What we are talking about here, is the greatest force in the universe: The Love of God. And the more we dwell upon that love; get familiar with that love; and reason with Him about His love for us; the more persuaded we are in His love. His love for us is the source of our faith. It is a consuming fire, that will burn away all the things which cause us to stumble. Things which we may not even realize are there; that are hidden deep within our hearts. But yet, as we come before Him and begin to reason with Him about His great love for us, they are brought forth, and revealed to us; and as soon as they are, we must deal with them, right then and there. God really does have an interest in our knowing who He is and how much He loves us; and His desire for us, is that we would earnestly seek Him, to know Him more and more. Because the more we know Him, the more persuaded we will be by His Love. "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth the mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." (Psalms 103:1-5)

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