Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Passing The Torch"

There is another meaning for the word 'Faith', and it happens to be the first mention of the word in the Old Testament. It is found in Deuteronomy 32:20, and the Hebrew word is 'Ewuwn' which means: Established, Trusty, Trustworthiness, Faithful, Truth. I can't remember where I was, but I do remember playing a game; one where about 20 of us stood in a large circle, and whispered a News Report in the ear of the person to our left. My niece says that this game is called 'telephone'; but I prefer to call it 'passing the torch'. The way it works, is the first person has the true report, and tells the next in line, and then the next person in line tells the next, and so on it goes, until it comes back to the first person again. And by the time it gets around to where it started, it is not even recognizable as the original story. This is really how things can manifest within our culture, our history, and our churches. Where the truth is changed from one person to the next; by either adding to, taking away, or changing some minor detail; until the original truth is no longer the truth anymore. It sometimes may not make much difference what was said from one person to the next, but after a series of changes, they can all add up to a whole different meaning. This is played out in our generations, as one generation passes the truth onto the next; and not only in just words, but also in reasons for what they believe, and in the purpose for the hope they hold in their hearts. This is something which was prevalent throughout the history of the children of Israel, as they moved from one King to the next, and from one generation to the next. Until someone would read God's original Law, or the original writings, and then one of two things would happen; either there would be revival, or there would be rebellion. This also occurred in the New Testament also; as Paul would travel from one place to the next; he would establish a church, based upon the Truth; and then later hear that they had moved away from the Truth, and changed the Gospel message in one way or another. Which was the reason he wrote many of his letters; to address the Truth being distorted, and to set the record straight. There is a reason that God had Moses write down His Laws, and His instructions to the children of Israel to write these laws upon their hearts; and to instruct their children, and their children's children in them; because it is very important that we do not take away, or add to the Word that God has given us. Yet; not only are our cultures being changed by the neglect of adhering to God's laws, but our churches are also. Even the Gospel message is being distorted in several of our churches today; where the real meaning of Faith, works, Grace, and Mercy, are not the true meanings that they were originally meant to mean. For example: the meaning of Faith in God, really means more than to just believe in God; but it actually has more depth to it's meaning, which requires a person to surrender to God, and to have Him actually be the Lord of their life. Many look upon Faith as a belief, such as belonging to a faith; and then they base their belonging to Christ on their belonging to the Church. But in reality; our belonging to the Church is based upon our Faith, and whether or not He is actually Lord of our lives. "Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee. And when the Lord saw it, He abhorred them, because of the provoking of His sons, and of His daughters. And He said, I will hide My face from them, I will see what their end shall be: For they are a very forward generation, children in whom is no faith." (Deuteronomy 32:18-20)

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