Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"The Broken Bread"

I have something to say about something; it may seem rather trifle; but none the less, it is a thing that does not quite sit well with me. It has to do with the substance of what is used for Communion in place of the Broken Bread. I know that there may, or may not be much to be made of this issue, but really, it also may explain some things which are better left unsaid. I really get taken back sometimes when I see what is used for the Bread in some of our Communion Services; small little puffy white somethings; what do they represent? I might be weird, but I prefer to use the 'broken cracker' more than anything else; Why? Because it is broken for one; but it is also pierced, with small little holes throughout; and it is also stripped, with the strips of being cooked in an oven. What's the big deal? Well first off; He was stripped for my transgressions; that scourging that He received was punishment for the sins that I committed. Those were my strips that He received; which were meant for me, but yet He received them in my place. Secondly; He was pierced for my iniquities; as they pierced His hands and His feet and nailed Him to that Cross; those holes that were placed there, were nailed by me, and by the sin which I have done against Him. And as for being 'Broken'; well, we know that His bones were not broken; but if you want to consider the beating that He took as being broken for us, that is okay; but there was something far more relevant that was 'Broken' for us; it was His heart. I don't know what the medical term for it is, but when they pierced His side to see if He was dead, out came blood and water. What that means is that He died from a broken heart! His heart had literally ruptured, and that was the cause of His death upon that Cross. Why was this so? It was because for the very first time, He was separated from from Father. As He took our sins upon Him; as He took upon Him the entire sins of all mankind; in that instance, the Father had to separate Himself from His Son; the fellowship that He had with the Father had been Broken. There was no need for the soldiers to break His legs as they did the others that hung beside Him; for He had died already from a Broken Heart... "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me? Why art thou so far from helping Me, and from the words of My roaring?" (Psalms 22:1)

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