Friday, June 18, 2010

"True Faith That Endures"

What is harder to do: Endure temptation, or endure after a fall? Maybe a better question would be: Which one is more beneficial for our faith in God? We do not have to think to hard on that one; Do we? For, it is always far better to endure temptation. In a perfect Christian life, faith in God is strong enough to endure any temptation; but let's get real, none of us can avoid being tempted; and unfortunately, none of us can endure all temptations. Because, something causes everyone to stumble sometime. It could be something which might seem insignificant, like gossip, or anger; or maybe something a little more profound, like drunkenness, or sex. So, would you say that it is harder to endure temptation? Well, if that is the case; What about the faith that is needed to endure after giving into temptation? Because in doing so, sometimes we have opened up a real can of worms. First off, we know that we have sinned against God, and because of that, we will feel guilty and ashamed for doing so. Then there are those which may have been effected by the sin which we committed; those that have been hurt, and which we may feel a debt towards. And then, there are the consequences for that sin; which depending upon the sin, can be quite long lasting. Now; let me ask again: Which is harder to have faith through? Because faith that endures temptation is really only required for a very short time; while the faith that is needed to endure after a fall, can go on and on. Our goal is of course to avoid a fall; but when we do fall, then we must get back into a right standing with God, and avoid another one; which really becomes even harder to do, once you have fallen. It is really best to avoid any fall; but then again, this is not a perfect world. But God! (I really love that phrase!) But God, is able to turn anything into good; even the sin that is committed against Him. Therefore, the faith required to endure after a fall, must trust that God is willing and able to turn ashes into beauty; because He is, and He will. Now what are we looking at? Could this now be a test? It starts out with a temptation, which is not from God; and then morphs into a test of our faith, which is from God. Only one word comes to mind to describe how that makes me feel: 'Amazed'. God is in the business of Restoring Lives! "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Of His own will begat He us with the Word of Truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures." (James 1:15-18)

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