Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Unequally Yoked"

I have a theory; it may, or may not mean anything; but it is a theory, none the less. What is it that these last two days of posting have in common? Could it be something to do with the church compromising with the world? When we think about being 'Unequally Yoked', we immediately think about marriage, and a believer being yoked together with an unbeliever. However, if you read the whole context of what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians chapters 6 & 7, you would understand that he is talking about our fellowship, and what we 'Yoke' ourselves to; in other words, what we latch onto. For example: If we that are longing for and expecting the 'Soon Return of Jesus', set our lives upon the belief that He is coming back soon, then we will live our lives accordingly. But if we buy into the notion that He is not; which is contrary to what we are told to do; then we will make compromises in our lives, accordingly. The point being, that those that we fellowship with, and those things in which we have communion with, effect our lives in Christ; they can cause us to begin to adjust our lives to the things of them. To adjust our hearts towards what they believe, instead of perfecting holiness within our lives, we will make adjustments towards the things of this world, instead of towards God. Now, I really don't want to try and make a big deal about the 'Bread' which we use for Communion; but I do have to wonder what brought about the compromise in what is being used. Maybe it is just because of simplicity; that pouring out some little puffy white somethings into a plate, is so much easier than breaking up the actual bread that is meant to be used. Or maybe it is because the little puffy white things don't need to be touched, or handled prior to someone consuming them. I am kind of curious about who first developed these little things; not that I want to make a big deal about it. We are entering into a rather strange period in our history here in this Country; one where the church has been and continues to make compromises in the way it is separate from the world. There are things which the world is pressing into the church, instead of the church pressing into the world; living for today for example is one in particular. The word 'Perfecting' is "Epiteleo", which means: perfect, contracted, complete; to finish; to practice. So, as it goes with the 'little white puffy things', What are we partaking of? Jesus said, "This do in remembrance of Me"; so what are we doing when we partake of the 'Bread'? We are remembering the price that He paid on that Cross for our sins. How His body was broken, pierced and stripped, so that we might have Life. (I'm just saying) "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father to you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2 Corinthians 6:17 - 7:1)

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