Saturday, June 5, 2010


"What would be your definition of being double-minded? Some might think about those old 'Tom and Jerry' cartoons; where there is an angel on one shoulder, and a devil on the other; instructing the character on how they should act. But that might not work, because they were helping them to make up their mind about something. I think we really need to move past that; kind of to the point where one of those small characters has been removed; then we get to the point of singleness, and go from there. There is nothing wrong with hashing things out in our minds; it is really something that we should do more of. In other words; you count the cost of whatever it is that you are doing; weighing out the reasons, benefits, or motives: Asking, "What would Jesus do?" This is healthy dialog to have within our minds. No; a double-minded person is one who's mind has already been made up; yet they purposely do those things which go against what they have made their minds up on. Did that sound like double-talk? Okay; maybe an example would do well right about now: If you have decided to Trust God and to believe that He is able to provide for your needs, and then not pay your Tithes because things are really tight; then that might mean you are double-minded. If you say that God is in control; yet you worry about tomorrow; then you could be double-minded. So then: Do we let logic guide us, or do we throw logic out? I am thinking that the later would best fit the definition of Trusting God; because logic looks for the physical evidence in something; where Faith is based upon what we do not see. Being double-minded means that we are unsettled; in other words, we have gone away from saying: "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it". In a nut-shell, it means: doubt; which means not Trusting God; which really means unbelief; which comes down to a lack of Faith! "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." (James 1:8)

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