Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Faith Must React"

'We can say we have faith, but if we do not act upon it, then our faith is dead'; or as James said, "Faith without works is dead". In other words; if I say that I believe God is able to provide for all of my needs, then I must demonstrate that I believe by my actions; because if I do not do those things that prove that I believe, then from where is my faith demonstrated. Okay, maybe that might sound like double-talk again; but really, if we are going to take God at His Word, then we must literally react in a way that proves it. For example: Say that you have written out your tithe check, based upon your paycheck; which is proper to do. You were paid $800.00 on Friday, so Saturday morning, you sit down to pay your bills, and the first thing you do is write out a check for your church for $80.00; great job. Now, later that day, on your way to the store you get a flat tire; so you have to buy a new tire; which just so happens to cost around $80.00; and now you do not have enough to cover the rest of your bills; What do you do? Logic would say that you put that tithe check away for another Sunday; but faith in action would say that you would you believe in God; and that you would gladly give that tithe check to your church as planned; believing that God is able to provide what is needed to cover the rest; which is what you say that you believe. But you might say, "I don't see where the money will come from". But; really, that is the basis of what faith is all about; for we do not base our faith on what we see, but rather on the things which we do not see; because if we see it, then why do we need faith. You might have noticed that I said 'Gladly Give'; because God desires a cheerful giver; which means that you give cheerfully, and not with a reluctant heart. The reason that you do give in this way is because you know that God will supply for your every need; and your heart is expectant that He will do just that. It really comes down to whether we believe He is able to do what we say He will do, or not; do we have our faith in the God who made the heavens and the earth with just a Word; or do we not. Because, if we believe that He is the God, which we believe that He is, then surely He is able to provide for, and take care of, that small deficit that you encountered in your budget. 'Either He is God, or He's not!' "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which do appear." (Hebrews 11:3)

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