Monday, June 14, 2010

"The Scarlet Thread"

Atonement: 'Kaphar' is the Hebrew word, which means to cover; to cancel; to cleanse; pardon; put off; reconcile. The Greek word is 'Katallage', which means: exchange; restoration to (the Divine) favor; reconciliation. This is the 'Scarlet Thread' that is woven throughout the whole Bible, of God's ultimate plan of Atonement, and to reconcile man back to Him. From Genesis 3:21, where God covered Adam and Eve in animal skins, to Jesus' death upon the cross; this is the restoration of man to God: Atonement. For Rahab, this Scarlet Thread was the covering for her, and all her household. It was the same as the blood put over the doorways of the houses, that night of the Passover in Egypt, when all the First Born in the land were slain. And it was commanded them, that they should not leave their homes, least they should be slain. So it was also for the household of Rahab; all who were in her household had to trust Rahab and stay within her home to be spared. For us, it is the Cross, and in our believing that it is only by the price that Christ paid upon that Cross that we are saved; and that we must come under that covering: That it is only by the Covering of His blood that we will be spared. For Adam and Eve in the Garden, had discovered that they were naked after eating of the Tree; but God put a covering over their nakedness; which was a sign of what was to come; and that without a blood sacrifice, there is no atonement for sin; which means that there is no covering for our nakedness. As strange as that may sound, it is true; because Adam and Eve were naked before they ate the fruit; but until they ate of it, they knew no sin; then after they had eaten it, sin was revealed, and so was their nakedness. Then they hid themselves in the Garden from God, because they saw that they were naked; which caused God to say, "Where are you Adam?" Then Adam replied, "Hiding, because I am naked"; and the God said, "Who told you that you were naked?" Because, before they had eaten of the Fruit, they had no knowledge of sin, and what might be considered to be sin, was only sin, when it was conceived in their hearts. Thus, God covered the sin which was revealed in their hearts by the skin of animals, which had to be slain for that skin. But that was only a temporary covering, and one that could easily be taken off. Much like it would have been easy for someone to step outside the covering of the protection of being within Rahab's home; or a protected home in Egypt. Think about that for a moment, if you can: You must stay inside; yet outside, you hear the screaming of those being slain; knowing that it is only because of where you are right now, that you are not. Would you call that Faith? "Therefore, to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." (James 4:17)

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