Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Resisted Unto Blood"

"I just could not help myself !" Have you ever used that phrase in self defence? We all know that at one time or another we have. It is as if we are trying to say, that there is another person inside of us, the drove us to do this or that. Sorry to let you down, but it was really just all you, all along. But in all seriousness; this is no joke; because, what Christ suffered for our sakes is not to be taken lightly; it was provided at a Great Cost. That night in the Garden, as Jesus sweat blood; as He pleaded with the Father, "If there be any other way"; this was not a moment of doubt, or worry; but it was rather a moment of anguish. Anguish that no one before, or ever after, could even begin to know or experience. For the first time in all eternity, the Maker of heaven and earth, would experience separation from the Father. This is something that may not be easy for us to even try and imagine; or even for me to try and articulate; because it has only happened once in all eternity. But what happened on that cross, was really more than any of us can even comprehend. Not only did Jesus take on the sins of the world, but He also became separated from the Father in our place. What that basically means, is that for a brief, but critical moment in time, Jesus experienced the darkness of being separated from the Light. The anguish of all mankind was taken on by the Giver of Life; and in that moment He would experience Death; not just the death on the cross, but the Death which was spoken to Adam, when God said, "And in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely Die". We can watch all the movies out there on how Jesus Christ suffered for us, but none can depict this for which He anguished over, that night in the Garden. There is just simply no way to describe the magnitude of it; nor, does my simple writings even begin to give justice to it's depth. So, the next time you want to use that phrase, "I just could not help myself"; think about the conflict going on within our Lord and Saviour, as He strove against sin that night in the Garden. And, What sin might that have been? For Jesus, that would have been, to not do that for which He came to do. However, the passion inside of Him to do the Will of the Father, had overruled the desire within Himself to forsake the cross, and all that it involved. Now then; about those 'Little White Puffy Things' which are used for communion: If they were created for convenience sake; there was nothing convenient about what Jesus did for us! "This Do In Remembrance Of Me". (I just could not help myself ! :)

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