Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ISAIAH 55:9 - "Knowing The Father"

"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him". (Ephesians 1:17) So; Why is it so important that we do not altar our minds? Because we must keep our minds fixed on God!!! I do not believe that we as Believers can be possessed by any demonic force; but that does not mean that we can not be influenced by them. We must realize that they are there, and to do that, we must first believe that they exist. You do believe that they exist, don't you? Sadly, there are many that do not; or if they do, they believe that they have no power over, or in their lives. Which to a certain extent is true; but it is only true when we are conformed to the image of God. What is the image of God? This is a good question; but one that is easily answered, when we know the Father. Okay, and how do we know the Father? That's easy: When we know the Son; Jesus! Okay then; How can we that have not actually seen Jesus, know Jesus? Well, that one is easy too: Because the Holy Spirit reveals Him to us!!! When Jesus was speaking to the woman at the well, He made some very revealing points about how to know the Father. First off He sat her straight about who it was that she was worshipping: "You know not who you worship, because salvation is of the Jews". In other words, the god that she said her fathers worshipped was not God the Father, but rather a god that they had fashioned in their minds that meet there needs. How so? Because her people were so far removed from the Jewish people, yet considered themselves to be a branch of the Jewish tree, that they created an image of God that would be best suited for their own salvation. In other words, they were worshipping an idol; something that her fathers had created to take the place of the God that was being worshipped in the Temple which was in Jerusalem. However, when we look at what Jesus said before he told her this; we see that He declared that the time had come, when God would no longer be worshipped either on that mountain or in Jerusalem. This He said in reference to what would take place when He would die on the cross; which was that the veil within the Temple would be torn in two. Because when that happened, man no longer needed, nor would he be denied access to the Father. The sin that had separated man from God had been destroyed, and man could now freely access the Father through Jesus Christ. Then, He told the woman how the Father would be worshipped; that God is Spirit, and those that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. It is because of this form of worship and the characteristics of our minds, that we must not have our minds distorted in any way while we are trying to worship Him. Because our minds will naturally paint a picture of God that best suits our own personal needs; which in most cases, will not be Him!!! Why and How is this??? It is because we are currently trapped within these earthen vessels, that there is an illusion that we are far removed from Him, so we create our own place of worship within our minds, where we might meet with Him. But in reality, we must reach beyond this mortal shell, and worship Him in Spirit; which means that His Spirit and our spirit are one. And then it is, at that point we will experience the Truth; this is where we will see from an eternal perspective; one which will cause the things of this world to become less important and seem so minuscule in comparison to what we have in Him. Otherwise; we are just creating idols; and guess what!!! OMG; remember where we are talking about; we are talking about the spiritual realm; these idols are alive!!! You see now? When we are living in the spiritual realm, which is what we are called to do, things get a little more complicated and far more real than we could have imagined. Besides, the woman at the well, and her fathers, needed to only do one thing to actually worship the Father; and that is what Solomon declared when he dedicated the Temple: They just needed to look towards the Temple and worship God. You see, when we have our minds fixed on Him, all the other gods are idols, and we know this because our God created the heavens; and I know Him because He created me!!! And therefore I can cry out: 'Abba Father', and I know Him, and He knows my name!!! Now; Let's look at the reward for those who overcome; because it too is current! "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." (Revelations 2:17)

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