Wednesday, May 5, 2010

ISAIAH 55:9 - "Higher Worship"

"He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him. (John 14:21) To understand what it is that I believe God is showing me within this portion of His Word; and before we move on to the next verses of Isaiah 55, we must know how to worship higher. But this is the problem with trying to know something that you really can not know: You Can Not Hold Onto It! What am I saying here? Okay, let me try to explain, but I must worn you: I may not know how. First off, we can not reach up to God; we must reach out to God, and then He will lift us up unto Himself. The word know is a verb; which means that it is an action word; because it is a action word, that means that there is a action involved in the process of knowing. Okay; so what kind of word is Knowing? It is an adjective; which means that it is a word used with a noun to denote qualities, such as, "Knowing the Father". Alrighty then: So the reason that we can not hold onto our worship of Him, is because we must be reaching towards Him. In other words, there is a movement we must be performing in order to know Him. If there is one thing that I have been gaining from doing this blog, it is the understanding that, 'With God everything is simple'! Like a mustard seed kind of simple, but simple none the less. He will never ask us to do more than we are able to do. Do you believe that? We need to; because it is the beginning of faith! I think a good illustration of this would be when Peter walked on the water. If you know the story, you should know what happened when he did: he sank. But why did he sink? Because he took his eyes off Jesus? That may be true; however, if you have ever almost drowned, or thought you were going to drown, you would know, that in the second that Peter realized that he was sinking, his eyes would have been fixed on Jesus. So what else might have caused him to sink? Okay, what is faith? Faith is a noun; which means that it is a fixed object; person, place or thing. So then, where does our faith come from, the mind or the heart? Maybe a better question would be: Which one supplies us life, the mind or the heart? Well, I can tell you from my own personal knowledge, that I know the answer to that one; it's the heart. Now, let's ponder this thought for a moment, and then look at Peter's situation. If for example, his faith to walk on the water came from the heart, what then caused him to sink? Could it have been his mind? You think??? This is why I am saying that we can not build altars in our minds, because when we do, there is where we will go to worship God, in our minds; which is not where we are to be worshipping Him; it is in our hearts!!! And what do we do with our hearts??? We Love God! Father God; as we go further into your Word, would you provide to us the hidden manna, that we might eat of it and gain a Knowledge of You. That we could know Your thoughts towards us, and Your ways for our lives. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

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