Saturday, May 15, 2010

ISAIAH 55:12 - "Accomplished"

"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Okay then; now, I hope we have established what it is that we as individuals are to be about; now let's see what God is all about doing. For His plan is so much bigger than us as individuals, although He does care for us as such, and knows us by name; but His ultimate plan is about establishing His Church: The Bride of Christ. Again, here in verse 12 we start off with the word 'For', which is to continue, build upon, or establish a previous thought or statement. We can look again at the previous 2 verses, which we will, but we can also look all the way back again to verse 1, and then continue up through verse 9 also. Yes, that's right, even verse 9, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts". Really: How is that? you might be wondering. Well, let's look at this new verse in the context of the complete Word. First let's establish the link to verses 10 & 11, by getting a feeling for what it is that this verse is saying. The most basic thought here is that there is something established in our lives, which causes us to 'Go out with Joy', and to be 'Led forth with Peace'; this is pretty easy to get a handle on. The joy that we go out in, can be based upon several things; but for the time being, let's just deal with the facts: We are Loved by God; Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb; and Jesus has a place prepared for us in Heaven, waiting for us to go to, when He is done with us here. Those are pretty much the basic source of our Joy; right? Good; now the 'Go out' portion of this statement speaks to a forward motion; in other words, we are stepping out in faith because of the joy that is set before us; because we are Loved, Redeemed, and have a Home. So, to be 'Led forth with Peace, is based upon the simple fact that God is in control, and no matter what fate awaits us, we know that our lives are in His hands; correct? Good; now the 'Led forth' portion of this statement speaks about being led by God; in other words, we are to be led by Him in all our ways; which is the real basis for the Peace that is established in our hearts. Because God is in control, we can be assured that His Word will be established to perform that which He has set out to accomplish. Therefore, we can rest assure that when we proclaim His Word it is not up to us to bring about a result, but it is Him that will perform it. Case in point; Philip and the Ethiopian: Here is a man that just came from the Temple, where he went to worship God. We can assume that while there, he was instructed in, or led to the Book of Isaiah. So, while traveling home, he is reading the text which he was instructed in, to try and understand what it really meant. Chances are, he did not get the proper instruction from the Temple, because all the Believers were spread abroad, because of the death of Stephen; who was killed for his testimony of Jesus, and his proclamation that those running the Temple didn't have it right. Then God leads Philip to the Ethiopian to teach him what it was that he had received, and to lead him to Christ. To which, he not only believed, but was also baptized that very same day. Not only that, but he witnessed a mighty wonder at the same time; because when he came up out of the water, Philip was gone; being caught up and taken away by the Spirit of God. Which then caused the Ethiopian to go home rejoicing, for not only his New Life in Christ, but also for the fact that he had witnessed the power of God, firsthand. You can bet that when he returned home to the Palace, he had some things to share with those that were there. So, we can begin to see why God would proclaim: "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts."

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