Thursday, May 13, 2010

ISAIAH 55:10 & 11 - "Bread To The Eater"

"Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not Bread? And your labour for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto Me, and eat ye that which is good, and let you soul delight itself in fatness." (Isaiah 55:2) There are at least two ways for us to experience this 'Bread to the Eater' which is mentioned in Isaiah 55:10; which God explains as His Word being sent out from His mouth, just as the rain is provided from the sky. The first is the easiest to realize first hand, which is when we receive His Word. We can receive God's Word several different ways: We can read it first hand, as we make it our daily bread to nourish our souls; we can hear the Word as it is proclaimed by others, and we receive it as God speaking through them onto us; and we can receive His Word that He speaks directly into our hearts, as we worship Him. All of these are ways in which we take in, or receive God's Word into our hearts and minds to feed our soul. The other way to experience this 'Bread to the Eater', is when we give out His Word by sharing it with others. This is what I believe is the way to experience the most joy and satisfaction in our lives between the two; however both are absolutely necessary, it is just that it is better to give than to receive; but we must receive it in order to give it away. Okay, it's like this: We are already saved and have been grafted into the Body of Christ, therefore the Word that we receive is meant to fortify our souls, build us up, and provide knowledge and direction for our lives. But when we have an opportunity to share God's Word with someone who is trapped in darkness, then there is a whole new level of fulfilment; why? Because there is new life stuff going on, that's why! It is really all about us serving others with the abilities that God has given to us; and it really is the way that we experience real joy and peace, that can not be compared to anything else. Why? Because our souls are delighting themselves in fatness!!! I will even go as far as to say this: every Word that we receive is good, but every Word we give out is at least twice as good. You might think that that is a rather strong statement, but really, when we are giving out His Word, we are ministering to at least two people; who? Well, whoever we are sharing with, how ever many that may be; and ourselves. And how do we minister to ourselves? Growl; by experiencing the joy of the Lord in our lives as we allow the Living Water to flow through us and onto the world. This is power from on High that is generated through us, which actually provides something to our souls, which we can not receive any other way, but by serving God. How is that? (I'm sorry, I just like being quizzical.) Okay, just think for a moment about those that served God in the New Testament; say people like Paul, Peter, John, Stephen and Phillip. There was something that they all had in common as they denied themselves, and were yielded to the Holy Spirit; they all had joy, and this joy that they had could not be shaken. When we who currently live in these United States think of the trials and persecution we can receive in sharing the Lord, they are things like: losing our job, or friends, or being made fun of; real serious stuff, aren't they? Things that make us hesitant to share our faith, for fear of being persecuted. But then when we look at their lives and the real persecution that they endured for the sake of the Cross, how can it compare. They were beaten, jailed, stoned, and killed; yet they all were full of joy through all of that; because they were being satisfied in a way that could not be taken away by what they suffered. When Jesus said, "Pick up your Cross and follow Me", He meant to follow Him in serving others; in dying to ourselves and denying ourselves for the sake of others. Because as we are now to be living for the Kingdom of God, this world really has nothing left to offer us, but to give us opportunities to share Jesus with those that don't know Him. In doing so, we are storing up treasure in Heaven that can not be taken away; thus we are also experiencing joy that also can not be taken away. "If you then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on the things above, not on things on the earth. For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." (Colossians 3:1-3)

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