Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ISAIAH 55:10 & 11 - "Seed To The Sower"

"Jesus answered and said unto her, 'If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee Living Water." (John 4:10) You do realize that we are required to be a Light unto the world; right? Did I say required? Yes; there is a requirement to take what has been given to us and to freely share this Gift with the world. Remember, Living Water is water that is living; it must be flowing. When Jesus was speaking to this woman at the well in John 4, He was sowing seeds; and as we saw previously, these seeds that He had sown would be reaping an instant harvest. But for us that are Believers, we are required at the very least to sow seeds for the Kingdom of God; How are we required to do that? Well the most important way that we sow seeds is by our lives; we must walk in a manner the demonstrates the Love of God. Why? Most of the people that we will reach are people that will not go to a church; so we must bring the church to them. The way that we do that is by the Light of Jesus shinning through us, and as they see our lives, the Light is revealed to them; God begins to do a work within their hearts. This is the time when we will be approached for the opportunity to share; because in all reality, we have already been sowing seeds; just by letting the Light of Jesus shine forth from our lives, we are sowing seeds. Now comes time to plant them; to literally take a seed and plant it into some one's heart, as the Holy Spirit softens their heart, and then speaks through us. This is what Jesus did to this woman at the well; He planted a seed within her heart, and then she was able to go and spread that seed throughout her town. And when you really think about it, look what kind of a person that she was; yet God was able to use her instantly to prosper in the thing which He wanted to do. There is really something that we must realize when it comes to serving the Lord; we will not always see the results of our labours; but we will always feel the Living Water flow through us as we are serving Him. That is what Living Water is all about: Alive in us! In verse 10 of Isaiah 55, God says, "That it may give seed to the sower"; when He puts out His Word, He is doing so to accomplish a work. We may, or may not be able to see this work which He is putting in motion; but then again, our ways and not His ways, so we really can't know what He is trying to accomplish. What we must do is to be ready in season and out of season to declare Jesus to whomever asks us for the reason that we are what we are; if it goes further than that, praise the Lord; but if it doesn't, praise the Lord. Because God is the one who is going to do the work, not us; we are just required to do our part and let Him do the rest. Look again at what happen with this woman at the well; she took the message that Jesus gave her, and spread it out throughout her city. Instantly, hundreds, if not thousands of people came to Jesus; and all from the words that were sown from her mouth: "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" (John 4:29) God's Word that is sown into our hearts is intended to be spread out; He has given it to us for us to share; that is how His Word becomes alive to us. Oh, we can experience it first hand, and we can be blessed by the Word we receive in our hearts; but the joy we experience when we take what He has given to us, and the share that with others; well, it must be something you live in order to know. Think for a minute if the woman at the well would have rather taken everything that Jesus revealed to her, and then just went about her day. She would have heard the Word, received the Word, and maybe even kept the Word; but she would not have been able to experience the Word, had she just kept it bottled up inside herself. Why is that? Because His Word is alive, and because it is alive, we must let Him live in us, and through us; just like that electrical current must flow; to have any power at all, it must complete the circuit. Then guess what we get to experience; Bread to the Eater: "In the mean while His disciples prayed Him, saying, Master eat. But He answered them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any man brought Him aught to eat? Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work." (John 4:31-34)

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