Monday, May 31, 2010

ISAIAH 55:13 - "The Everlasting Sign"

"Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall Live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David." (v. 3) The word for 'sign' is 'Oth'; which means: sign, mark, token, badge, standard, monument, memorial, warning, omen, prodigy, symbol, miracle, miraculous sign, proof. 'Oth' is an indicator or signal of something. For David, it was God's covenant with him, that upon his throne God would establish His throne for all eternity; no matter what David was to do, but it was based upon what God had established to be done. For God, it was sending His Son to die on the cross, that we could be brought back into a relationship and into fellowship with Him; and that He could establish a Glorious Church, for all eternity. For us, it is the proof that God Loves us, and the mark upon our lives as we walk out His promises in our lives. Whether we are looking towards Heaven, or living within this world, our proof of God's covenant is real, and is made perfect in our obedience to the call upon our lives. For, whatever we are dealing with, or going through, we can be assured that whatever it is, it will work out for the good. And if we are taken from this world, we know that there is something far more glorious that awaits us. This is our sign which can not be cut off! But for those that do not know Him, we are the sign of God towards them. We have the proof of God's love, that must be manifested in our lives; to demonstrate in our lives that He is real, and that He cares for them. I am sorry to be beating the same drum over and over, but it is a drum that must be beaten. I have another song in my heart right now: "I'll play my drum for Him..." The Little Drummer Boy; who did not have expensive gifts to bring, but what he did have, mattered to God, and to all those that stood around. We have a choice set before us; whether we will hide this Gift that we have been given and keep it to ourselves; which really can make us selfish and unworthy of the Gift to begin with. Or, whether we will share this Gift, and see that it really is the Gift that keeps on giving. God's Grace will abound! For, His Grace is the Gift that keeps on giving; and what is His Grace? Bestowing upon us what we do not deserve; and what is that which we do not deserve? It is that place with Him for all eternity! A place which God has made available for all those that believe upon His Son Jesus Christ; for those that choose to believe that He has established it, it is the signal of things to come; what we place the Hope of our salvation in; what we must focus upon. Why do we spend our time and our resources upon that which is cursed? It is only because we are living for this world and not for the Kingdom of God. If you truly think about it, the time and the effort we spend bettering our lives here, could be better spent. Jesus said in John 7:37 & 38, "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow Rivers of Living Water." Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? If so, do you have Rivers of Living Water flowing out of you? Is the Holy Spirit being poured out into and out of your life? He wants to be, and is meant to be flowing through us; to be Living Water to a thirsty world. A world that may not even know that they are thirsty. Just like the woman at the well, did not know that she was thirsty for the Water that Jesus had to offer until He presented it to her. But once she received it, she knew the Truth, and the Truth had set her free. We are His workmanship, and we have His Light to share to a world that is trapped in darkness. It is really what we are still here for; because there is nothing left on this planet that is holding us here, except to declare onto those that don't know, that we have the answer, and that answer is Jesus!!! "So when the Samaritans were come unto Him, they besought Him that He would tarry with them: and He abode there two days. And many more believed because of His own word; and said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard Him for ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world." (John 4:40-42)

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