Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ISAIAH 55:10 & 11 - "For; For; For; So"

"Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satifieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David." (Verses 1-3) So; what have we come to? We have come to a point, where we realize that God wants us to be usable; He wants us to be able to experience His Love, and in order to fully be able to experience His Love for us, we must have that Love flow through us. Did you get that so far? I hope you did, because there is a reason for everything that He does; and even everything that He allows us to do. What was that? Yes, that is what I said: there is a reason for what He allows us to do, and for what He allows us to go through. You see; there really is only One Will that is going to be done: His Will!!! So what God is asking us is: "How do you want to do this?" I have noticed that there are more and more people getting caught up in the 'Build a Barn', or Build a Galaxy', or whatever; but we as Christians have the same thing available for us spiritually. How is that you wonder? We are told to store up treasures in Heaven, where moth do not corrupt, and where fire does not burn up; it is this treasure we must be living for. Each and every opportunity we have to serve God and not ourselves, is another opportunity to store up treasure. Do you want to find the Golden Gem? Do you want to find the Dazzling Diamond? Seek it out, earn it, polish it off, and store it up; this is acceptable to do, because you are storing up treasure in heaven, not here on this earth. I do hope that you see this; don't you? Now, as for the opening verses; I wanted to show something that may help to explain what I am talking about. In verse 11, God says: "So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." What we must come to realize, is that God is in control, and what He wants to bring to pass, will be brought to pass; He has established it to be So. We are called to seek to know what is His perfect plan; to seek out what His will is for our daily lives. We are not to be living to satisfy our flesh, because we will never be able to satisfy the flesh; it will just want more and more; so we must deny the flesh, and live to satisfy our souls; which require more and more. And herein is the great and wonderful news: God wants to supply as much as your soul desires! Do you want to experience more of Jesus in your life? Do You??? Then guess what; live for Jesus, and you will. Do you want to have power over the sin that keeps on pushing you around? Then Live For Jesus!!! Remember that illustration of electrical current from yesterday? That is very similar to the power generated within our lives when we let The Living Water flow though us; and what is The Living Water? The Living Water is Jesus! As we begin to stop living for ourselves and start living for others, we will experience what power there is in letting His Living Water flow through us. It really does wash away a lot of filth and slime from His living stones; which we are; we are His Gems; we are His Pleasure. Listen; if God gives you a word for someone, or puts upon your heart to share His love for them; you need to do it; you need to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. And what you will discover as you do, is that He will pour out more; and as you submit to Him, and His leading, He will pour out more. Really, He doesn't want to stop pouring out Grace into our lives; it really is dependent upon how much we want; He wants us to "Let our Soul delight itself in fatness"; which really means: Eat as much as you want!!! Heavenly Father; I pray that you use my life to be a vessel of honor; that I can be poured out for Your kingdom, for Your glory. That my life will no longer be my life, but that my life will be for you to use as you see fit. Holy Spirit; fill me overflowing, and please lead my life on every level, that even my me time is your time. And Jesus; be Lord of my life; I surrender to you my will, and my ways, and my thoughts; for you alone have the Way to Eternal Life. Please help me keep my eye on the goal; that Perfect High Calling. In Your name Lord Jesus. Amen

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