Tuesday, May 25, 2010

ISAIAH 55:12 - "Spiritually Speaking"

"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in all Holy conversation and godliness." (2 Peter 3:11) Okay; Now if we consider the later part of verse 12 in Isaiah 55, to mean that this is a spiritual experience, then we must assume that it is both literal and a metaphor. Which would mean that this is an actual experience that takes place within our spirit, or our soul; which actually means: Deep Down Inside Our Very Existence! Sounds a little out there, doesn't it? But then again, so did worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth; however, that is what we are instructed to do. So really, what does it mean for our souls to delight themselves in fatness? Do we have control over our souls? I believe the answer is Yes. We are told "To Love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength; so we must have some kind of control over it. Remember, our souls are who we really are; for they live on after this mortal shell has passed away. So then, if we are to look at this in this manner, we can assume that our eternal souls are motivated towards their eternal existence; which is what? Heaven of course! And if you can picture for a moment, what this type of spiritual realm might consist of, it would be more likely that in this dimension of our existence, more things come to life than in the world in which our mortal body dwells. Did you get that? Don't feel bad if you didn't, because I barely understood it myself. I can sense it from deep within, but I can not put it into words. But if we have faith, we can walk in it, and know that it is more real than we know. That is really what faith means; for if we can see it, then faith is not required. Which would actually mean that this Joy and the Peace that we obtain, is not based upon what we see, but is based upon what we hope for, and believe in. For example: 'The White Stone', which I touched upon earlier; this is our High Calling in Christ Jesus; which of course, we can not see; but none the less, it is presented to us and for us. And what is this White Stone? It is the greatest of all the treasures in Heaven; for this Stone is One in the Body of Jesus Christ: The New Jerusalem depicted in Revelation, which descends down, and John is instructed to measure. It is constructed of these White Stones; all of which are the Glorious Church; which make up The Bride of Christ. And if you were to see these Stones, you would see yourself within One of them; which has your New Name written within it; and where you are, there Christ is also; for all eternity. This is what our souls long for; and what makes them groan as we move contrary to the things of God; Why? Because not only is this Stone White, but it is Holy; and when we are walking outside of the Will of God, our souls groan; for they know what awaits, and they know that what we are doing is contrary to that place that awaits them. So with all this groaning, where is the Joy and the Peace? Well; I did not say weeps, or is worried; but it is more like: "Oh, Come On!, or "Give Me A Break"; it is that kind of groan. Our soul lives for what is to be; but our flesh lives for today. Did you get that? "Nevertheless, we, according to His Promise, look for New Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that you look for such things, be diligent that you may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless." (2 Peter 3:13 & 14) (I recommend that you read this whole chapter of 2 Peter 3; And read it 2 verses at a time; taking a moment to pause between each two verses, to pray, and meditate upon what you have just read.)

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