Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Good Morning: But I Digress"

Our Dear Sister, Dawn Burroughs Has Gone Home To Be With The Lord!!! Dawn departed to be with Jesus at 11:20 Tuesday night; just like that she was swept up into His arms; to return to us no more, but we shall be able to go to her. As I think about Pastor Gene, his girls, family, friends and our church, I can see that some of our early questions have been answered, Questions like: 'Is this a distraction, or something to focus upon?' So, was it a distraction? Yes it was indeed! For it distracted all of us that were paying attention from our normal lives we were stuck in, and made us take notice; it made us pay attention to what God was doing, or trying to do; and it made us come together to pray, and to seek God for answers and direction for our own lives. For me personally, it was the reason I started this blog to begin with. Watching my friend and Pastor go through this ordeal, has made me appreciate more my own wife, and the special gift that God has given me in her. Was this something to focus upon? Oh, you bet it was, and is! Because there are souls that are departing from us every day; some to Glory, and some not. This must cause in us an awareness that this is real life stuff we are dealing with; and that there are souls on the line every day; and that we have the answer. We must believe, and know like never before, that Jesus is the only answer; that no one can convince us otherwise; but rather we must all the more diligently convince them of the Truth. To what end that this roller-coaster ride has brought us all, we may never truly know the full affect; but we can all take away a piece of treasure in knowing that God is Glorified, and that He is doing a work in us all. My prayer is that we do not allow ourselves to slip back into the normal everyday life, but that we continue to focus on the work that God is doing through what has happened. Knowing that we all have a purpose and a calling upon our lives to make a difference and to be used for the Kingdom of God! "Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the briar shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off." (Isaiah 55:13)

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