Tuesday, February 8, 2022

"The Living Word" - 2

"And the Jews marvelled saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?" (John 7:15 KJV)

  "I have entered my garden, my treasure, my bride! I gather myrrh with my spices and eat honeycomb with my honey. I drink wine with my milk." (Song of Songs 5:1 NLT)

 Some days it seems really hard to make anything constructive happen; and then, some days it just makes something on its own, out of nothing. Long story short: Jesus made those letters that they speak of, so why wouldn't He know them by heart! Basically, that is my observation; much like this special verse from the Song of Songs: He created everything that there is, His special garden; He knows every single part of it, and how everything works! 

 I know firsthand, many church-goers do not follow the same interpretation of certain Scriptures that I might understand. And I have no problem with anyone that might understand certain Scripture different than myself. But when it comes to the identity of Jesus Christ, as to whether or not He is God, there is where I draw the line; having once been there myself, I know the spirit that blocks that interpretation. 

 The letters being spoken of are the sacred writings, the Scriptures that were normally taught to those which were of a certain sect or group of people, like the Pharisees. Believe it or not, but I was once part of and a group that taught from a special set of books, using those books to interpret Scripture. It was told to us, those being taught, that if we studied the Scriptures uses the books, in two years we would be in the light; but if we set the books aside and only read the Scriptures, in six months we would be in darkness. 

 I heard Pastor Mike say, many times, "If you were the only person on a deserted island, and a Bible washed up on the shore, you could read it from cover to cover, and you would have the right interpretation." Maybe that might be correct, and maybe there might be variations; but one thing I believe would always be true: You would truly know that Jesus is God...

"This letter is from John to the seven churches in the province of Asia. Grace and peace to you from the one who is, who always was, and who still is to come; from the sevenfold Spirit before the throne; and from Jesus Christ. He is the faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from the dead, and the ruler of all the kings of the world. All glory to him who loves us and freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us. He has made us a Kingdom of priests for God his Father. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. Look! He comes with the clouds of heaven. And everyone will see him - even those who pierced him. And all the nations of the world will mourn for him. Yes! Amen! "I am the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end," says the Lord God. "I am the one who is, who always was, and who is to come - the Almighty One."" (Revelation 1:4-8 NLT) 

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