Friday, November 12, 2021

"The Father Giveth" - 2

 "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven." (John 6:32 KJV) 

  "They even spoke out against God himself, saying, "God can't give us food in the wilderness. Yes, he can strike a rock so water gushes out, but he can't give his people bread and meat." When the LORD heard them, he was furious. The fire of his wrath burned against Jacob. Yes, his anger rose against Israel, for they did not believe God or trust him to care for them. But he commanded the shies to open; he opened the doors of heaven. He rained down manna for them to eat; he gave them bread from heaven." (Psalm 78:19-24 NLT)

 To the point of that ax head, as you might recall, there is a message buried within that story of God's provision of our redemption: the main point of which, is that we must reach out and take it! Yes, it is true; God's love is based upon nothing more than us receiving what He has given us; if you receive it willingly and faithfully, then it is given freely and without a price, PER SE! 

 Work is probably a bad choice of words to describe the action needed for us to demonstrate our acceptance of God's free gist of Salvation; as it is most likely work to someone that is in a coma to reach out and grab a bit of food! You can do the math, because that is practically an impossible move on behave of someone in that condition. 

 The point to this is practically a no-brainer; God gives us everything, including the will to reach out and grab what we otherwise might reject on our own! So, you think it doesn't work like that, because it is totally based upon what we choose to do? There is more to this order, say sequence of events, than just you making a choice what to do. 

 Look carefully at the verses above from Psalm 78; because there was something missing from the people's dietary needs. Did they do anything to create the answer to their problem? They complained about it; but usually that does not do anything except make ourselves complainers! God provided it; He gave it willingly and without much of a condition; not much at all.

 I can only go so far into this, because I have another life; but it requires trust that God will care for your needs; every bit of what you need! Is there a difference between needs and wants? You better believe it! God gives us the reason to need, based upon that which we cannot do on our own! We need to be saved, because we absolutely cannot save ourselves; no matter how hard we might try, or how good we might think that we are, He is the Judge and the Jury; He gives us the Salvation, all on His own! 

 How many times did you get offered the free gift, and rejected it? What was it that made you change your mind? Yes, you got it: it was you finally seeing that need; as if your very life depended upon it, you finally saw your absolute need...

"Then the LORD said to Moses, "Look, I'm going to rain down food from heaven for you. Each day the people can go out and pick up a much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether or not they will follow my instructions. On the sixth day they will gather food, and when they prepare it, there will be twice as much as usual."" (Exodus 16:4-5 NLT) 

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