Wednesday, December 30, 2020

"Walk the Talk"

 "And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak." (S.O.S. 7:9)

  "Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:5-6)

  As with every new beginning, there are things which get somehow dragged in from the past; it is only the natural way it works, as we are generally creatures of habit and familiarity. It is also this same type of issue that can be used to our advantage, if we are so inclined to be used in such a way. Within these last two verses are the two most pressing issues which keep holding me back from complete surrender: having patience and living out grace. 

  Maybe you don't feel as though those are all that hard to overcome; but if I had any extra time to show you, it might get more personal and familiar what these two things represent. It is incredibly hard to try and illustrate what this feels like; but if it helps to show you what I mean, it is somewhat explained in the last word, "speak," which just so happens to be used only one time, and it basically means: "Cause to speak." Further examination of the word, it is thought to be associated with creeping about, as in, to creep; or if you like, To go slowly and gently; like treading. 

  Anywho, this crazy sort of talk is causing me to want to change the subject; therefore, I will take this opportunity to talk about the election. Talk about crazy, that my friend is not even close! Everyone by now knows that there was obvious fraud and miscounted votes; I would say that there was deceit, but it was so obvious, it is hard to try and say anyone tried to conceal what was going on. To be perfectly clear, it would appear that it was, in your face, robbery, and the takedown of an existing President. They tried every way possible, it was just one more attempt to stop, something that cannot be stopped! I am sorry if I am getting somewhat political; but this is wrong and it needs to be called out for what it actually is: Evil! So there you go: Speech with grace and seasoned with salt! 

  There is really something that we need to understand about those that have been placed in any sort of position by God: they are what they are, where they are, and for as long as they are, as long as God wants them to be; period! That is exactly what is wrong with this message! I spend more time thinking about what I should be doing then what God would have me to do in the moment; it basically means that I am constantly treading water! My mom would use the term, "Sink or Swim," as the saying goes, which means to give up or get going; but with God's way of using people, we must learn to sink before we can actually swim.

  My first response for naming the title for today, was, "Walking on Water," but it sounded a little over the top, if you get my meaning. Peter walked on water, but it was only because Jesus bid him to try; which basically means that He challenged him to give it a try. What is it that God is challenging you to do? and it you know what it is, what is holding you back? Believe in God's love for you! Yes, it is true that Peter began to sink and was afraid he was going to drawn; but at least he was up for the challenge more than he was worried about the cost. 

  That is what this actually represents: God's ways are not our ways...

"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." (Romans 13:10-11) 

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