Tuesday, December 22, 2020

"Big Stretch" -To

"Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus." (S.O.S. 7:4)

  To is the point, as to Whom we give the glory for everything! As for the title, it was flashing before my eyes as a joke, or so I thought, until I was drawn closer to hear what God was trying to say: "Stretch out your arm and trust Me!" There is a really big difference between two very similar words: practical and practicable; although they both are very closely related to practice, as in, to put into practice! Practical is something that is used as in, can it be put into use; while practicable is actually something to be put into practice. If you are familiar with how God works, practical is not His usual way of getting things done; because if it were practical, we could probably do it without His help. 

  I know that it might seem like a stretch, but that is exactly what the neck is representing, as in, to stretch out the neck, as in towards a specific direction. When God referred to the children of Israel as stiff-necked people, this was not the sort of illustration that He was talking about; just the opposite meaning was the meaning of His words: people with stiff necks are unable to move them or even lift up their heads; they are constantly looking down upon everything, instead of looking up! This "tower of ivory" is the exact opposite of what that would represent; because this speaks of being something of importance, much as a model that might be showing off the new fashion, as she walks casually down the runway. 

  If the goal is furtherance, then it would be that you are part of something new and exciting, and you know it! Not that it makes you above anyone else; but that it makes part of something that is: GOD! No matter who you are or what you are about, if you know that God is using your life, you can have a sort of confidence that everything is for His specific purpose; even if you aren't quite sure what it is that you are meant for or how it will all work out. This is where practicable comes into play, as it is your role to practice being obedient; especially when you don't know why, because it doesn't seem practical. 

  Which then takes us to these eyes! What are you looking at, and why! That simple question comes to mind, the one Jesus asked those two disciples on the road, "What things?" If you are looking at things from your point of view, your looking in the wrong direction! These fish-pools are spoken of by Matthew Henry, as artificial fish-pools, as they were placed at the gate, a gate of great thoroughfare; meaning that there were many that passed by that were able to see these artificial pools of fish! Why? 

  Practicable is something that is put into practice because it can be done, over and over again; if it cannot be repeated, then it is not something that is practicable. The whole point of our understanding to how God works, is not based upon what we expect or think He should do; but that we simply show up and trust He will do what He does! 'I don't know what you are doing, Lord, but I will do what you tell me to do; even though I don't see the practical application!' Matthew Henry says, "The understanding, the intensions of a believer, are clean and clear as these ponds." God said it, I believe it, and that settles it! Clean and clear!  

  If the goal is furtherance, then it is based upon the eyes being placed upon the will of God, the One that does not change, but makes all things new! Everything and anything can happen; the beauty from ashes; the flowers from thorn bushes; the life from the dead. You name it, God can make it happen; but you can rest assured, it will not happen the way that you plan, but for His purposes! 

  Which then takes us on the other side of the colon: Thy Nose; is your countenance! Count it all joy...

"And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For Example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the of those that love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Romans 8:26-28) NLT

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