Wednesday, December 23, 2020

"Picture Perfect"

"Thine head upon thee is like Carmel, and the hair of thine head like purple; the King is held in the galleries." (S.O.S. 7:5)

  I know that there are differences in opinions and the way we might see God's hand being placed upon certain people's lives; but the main thing that I think we need to understand, is that God makes people the way that they are: some are, quite frankly, more important than others. Does that mean that He has favorites or some that He esteems more dear to His heart? Not quite; because to be perfectly clear, the really important ones are usually the ones that get chewed up by this world the most. 

  As many of you know, Solomon did not ask God for money and fame; he asked God to give him wisdom to rule over His people. God granted him that requested, and, because he did not ask for fame and fortune, He showered that upon him, as a bonus. I know this might sound a little silly, but having a head upon your shoulders that is like Carmel, is just the opposite of the head upon the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland; it might more like saying, 'Your head upon you is tiny, but lovable.' Surprisingly, this is not an insult or a strange description of beauty; it is more a comparison to capability in size, as if to say, 'It might be small, but it has great potential.' 

  Did you mom ever call you a, Bird-brain? I was gifted with that title now and again; it seemed as though it was an insult; something that meant my brain was the size of a peanut. But like it or not, it was actually a complement, even if it was not given out as such. If there is anything special about birds, it is that they are gifted with the ability to do, to build, to make do with whatever they have at their disposal. If it is abundantly available, they might not really know what to make of it! 

  Anywho; this is getting a little stranger as it goes, so I will talk about something a little more sensible and normal, like purple hair; yes, that will make better sense than peanut size brains, by far! What do you think purple represents? It's the color purple! Nothing more and nothing less! It's the hair that is the oddity, as it might be the origination of the term, "sick," as if to say, 'Man, your hair is sick!' Not that I am trying to make light of this, but you have got to see the purpose of what is being illustrated; by a man that is gifted with more than he knows what to do with.

  It might seem a little strange, but it is all for a reason! God uses the smallest, most insignificant things, to give the greatest details into His majesty and might! If you don't believe me, then you need to start looking into this creation a little deeper; because the deeper you go, the more significant the Creator becomes! You really can't make this stuff up...

"Let not your good be evil spoken of: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." (Romans 14:16-19)  

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