Tuesday, December 1, 2020

"Beyond the Grave"

 "My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her." (S.O.S. 6:9)

  Eventually we will get to see this work of art for what it really is; in the meantime, we can only focus upon what we know to be true and everlasting: This life isn't it! That said, the thing that comes to mind, is Eve. Not that she has any of the powers to fulfill anything that is portrayed in this, because those type of powers are left up to the work and the will of God; but what come to mind is the name that she was given, "The Mother of all Living," which in and of itself is rather interesting, seeing that God's decree was, "In the day that you eat thereof, ye shall surely die." 

  The longer you look at it, the more of a puzzle it becomes. Why would God, with His vast knowledge and wisdom, create such a being, knowing full well that it was going to fail? Why bring a child into such a dangerous and lethal place, knowing full well that one day they were going to suffer and die? Is there really any difference between the two lines of reason? There has got to be something else involved in the equation for it to make any sense whatsoever! 

  At this point in my life, I have pretty much given up on seeing any grandchildren; so as far as planning anything there, it just is not in the cards, so to speak. But that does not stop me from enjoying all the wonderful families that surround me; every single bit of what goes on, are the things that give purpose and interest to this thing we call life; even the parts that might hurt, they too have purpose, because they grab our interest! 

  Taken at face value, it might all seem rather harsh and unfair; you are born, make a mark, and then you die. It would appear as such, having your focus being on this life alone; but this is nothing even close to what "Eternal Life" will look like: as a matter of fact, you could compare this life with what is to come by using a term that might be quite familiar: "In the twinkling of an eye." They say that this time period that meets the definition of, the twinkling of an eye, is a fraction of a second; a millisecond is used to reference what this may by compared to; which means, there are 1000 milliseconds in a second. 

  If you want to know what that might look like, it would probably be faster than what you might be able to see; like a very quick flash, whether you saw it or not, you don't even know, it just happened! There really is no other way to explain what might happen, other than, it just happened! It just so happens, this is the Bride of Christ; both Jew and Gentile, free and bond, sinner and saint; you can make it out of whatever you want, because there is all sorts of every kind in the mix: but there is really only One! IT ALL GOES BACK TO ONE! 

  Lord, please help me live for today, by preparing for tomorrow...

"For who can know the LORD'S thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice? And who has given him so much that he needs to pay it back? For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen." (Romans 11:34-36) NLT

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