Wednesday, December 2, 2020

"Clothed in Christ"

"Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?" (S.O.S. 6:10)

  How I wish I could bottle this up and save it for using it throughout my day, that I could not sin against my King! It is so vital for our relationship that we dare not even try such foolishness, because there is no other way to abide in Christ, than to simply abide in Christ! This is not just a question, it is a statement to the only way that we can possibly remain, nay, abide in Christ; not that remaining can ever be taken, for that is not something I believe is in our control; but abiding is what is required that we should be as He is, that His light shines brightly in us. 

  Point of this very serious topic is starting to come to light, as in, to the point of direction: Which way is your life pointed to; where is does your light come from; what is it that you care for most; and who is it that you care to please. These are not just questions, but statement of faith; faith that is based upon hope, hope that is not based upon the things of this world; joy, the kind of joy that shines with the light of knowing there is no other way; peace so bright and clear, that even the darkest storm cannot overtake your serenity; and that of love, a love so unmoving, that there is an army protecting and guarding its domain. 

  I seriously doubt that there are many of us who can wear all of these qualities continually, let alone, all at once; but this is why we not to continually abide in Christ, because theses are the qualities that He brings upon us and in us; without abiding in Him we are undone, not out, not in the least; but to be quite frank, we are simply wearing Christ on our sleeve! Now, it is not up to me, or anyone else for that matter, to try and change your point of view; theses are the type of  issues that are strictly between Christ and you. But you know where you stand more that most anyone else; if you don't think so, then you need to think again and again! 

  That is when this becomes a question, when it becomes personal and it points away from you! Case in point: Do you wake up each morning knowing that He has made all things new? It's a New Day, now make this day count for Jesus! Are you beautifully made in the image of God? You are His child, so start acting accordingly! Are you as pure and clean as the whitest snow; sparkling brightly as the sun? He has taken away all of your sins, this He has most assured! Is His banner over you His unfailing love? Then love! 

  Your wear it well, so don't take it off! But, more importantly, this is why we vitally need one another, because it is so utterly impossibly difficult to wear all of these at once and all the time. What I might lack in beauty, you might complete in love; what you might lack in peace, I might complete in joy; that we all have and share one thing in common: Hope for tomorrow...


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