Saturday, December 12, 2020

"The Why"

 "What will ye see in the Shuiamite? As it were the company of two armies." (S.O.S. 6:13b)

"For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and theses are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would." (Galatians 5:17)

  Why the why? It just so happens, that according to goggle, the most popular word used in 2020 has been the word why: Why so much this? Why is there that? Why did they go there? Why am I still doing this blog? Why can't I quite facebook? Well, just so happens, I did quite wasting time on the evil network; but I still keep getting emails and reminders from them, even though I have not used it for over 7 years. It would seem that they still have my profile open, and apparently, people are still posting to my account. The sad thing is, they don't get a response and that makes them think I don't like them anymore; go figure! 

  I need you to be aware of this, before I go any further: I am not a Bible expert, nor do I pretend to be; I am simply journaling with this blog, making my journal open for anyone to see. Much of what I say, I do not fully understand; some of what I say, I doubt it is even provable or plausible. But for what it is worth, it gets me up with an expectant heart, willing and ready to explore this relationship with the Lord. To be honest, it makes me wonder sometimes if there is anyone paying attention, based upon the views. They took away my tracking, so I can no longer tell where the views come from; but besides that, I keep telling myself, this is not about the views, this is about keeping it going! If you think it is easy, give it a try; but be you warned, it has ups and downs, spins you around, and is both encouraging and discouraging; sometimes both in the same moment!  

  Anywho: you have got to see this from the view from heaven, if you are going to fully understand the just of what is being said. First things first: please take notice of the tense in the question, because it is not a question of what do you see, or what did you see; but rather, "What will you see." Contrary to some belief, God does not always see things the way that we see things; God's view is totally and completely different than man's view; understandably different from almost every angle! If you do not know why that is, as Dr. Martin might say, "Truth by definition is exclusive. If truth were all-inclusive, nothing would be false." I heard somewhere that before he passed on, he became a Post-Toasty; but I guess that really does not matter; at least not to him! 

  In the NLT version of this, that question is predicated with a, "why," as to ascertain what they were looking at, saying, What do expect to see her do, or what are you looking for in her. If you ask me, I think it is more about, about! As in, Why can't you see what I see! (Because that is more a statement than a question; God sees the heart!) About is more than just the here and now, because the real matter is not based upon this, but is based upon that which shall be! "Can you see what I see!" is more of a statement than it is a question, because there is no way that we can see what God sees; at least not from this angle! 

  Back to my comment about Walter, for just a moment: We are pressing into something very serious and very soon; what it represents, I have no idea, except that God does have a 'winepress' as mentioned in Revelation 14:19; and as I believe, the church is not going to be pressed into that press, but instead will be snatched away, long before that winepress is used. Understanding the times, is an under-statement, because this train ride is getting crazier by the minute. But do not fear, because God is on His throne, is in full control, and has more than a plan: He has His will, which thwarts any plan of man! 

  Let me quit while I'm ahead...

"I have discovered the principle of life -that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God's law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God's law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin." (Romans 7:21-25) NLT


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