Sunday, July 7, 2019

"To Be Able"

"Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me." (Psalms 129:2)

  The more you study the Bible, the more you realize how little you think you know about how God works. After watching the movie, "Run the Race," it became very aware to me how much we fail to see God's work in and through all of our difficult times; mostly because our focus is upon our issues and not the issues of those around us. A great deal of misery that we suffer through is because we are focused upon our own feelings and how things are going to turn out for us; instead, we should be more aware of what is happening around us, making the real issue the feelings of others and how things are going to turn out for them. It might be hard to see this point being made here, but if you are able, you might be surprised to see that the reason the affliction did not count, has more to do with the group, and less to do with the me. The point is that of a people, not of a person; me is not I, me is us! How much more powerful is a message when it contains a multitude? How much more powerful is a sacrifice when it is for someone else? Jesus said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) The point of this is really quite simple, that no love is without sacrifice, whether it involves laying down your life or giving up what you would rather do for the sake of others. Paul had some wonderful things to say about what love really looks like, even if it requires laying down your life; if it is not done for others, it really does not count as love. Love is all about others first, something we are so easily distracted from; mostly because we love ourselves way too much to give up the things we love to do. The great lie is the part we can't get around, because it is in our DNA to sin, which involves pleasing ourselves first and foremost; what is in it for me, is the motivation of our hearts; when it should be about being able to serve others, first, and let the foremost take care of itself...

""These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."" (John 16:33)

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