Saturday, July 13, 2019


"Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand: nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom." (Psalms 129:7)

  I know, it appears to be saying just the opposite; but I guess it depends on who's side you are on and what it is that you are trying to accomplish. Getting back to the title written over this Psalm in my Bible, "A Prayer Against the Enemies Of Israel," prayer needs to be directed into specific matters of the heart; it's not just a blanket prayer that is just thrown out there to try and stop something or someone, this is like the Word of God being used, the Sword of the Spirit; which, in case you might not know, is not a sword that is swung aimlessly, but is a dagger that is used precisely and accurately. The Lord's Prayer is often referred to as the prayer Jesus gave His disciples as an example in Matthew 6:9-13; but the actual Lord's prayer is found in John 17, which was His prayer before He was arrested in the Garden. Much is the same between the two prayers, except the example prayer was abbreviated and short, while the actual prayer was more precise and accurately directed to the people involved, including you and I. To be perfectly clear, the enemies of Israel are the enemies of God and His redeeming work of mankind; which, in case you might have missed the memo, includes anyone that calls upon the name of Jesus Christ for salvation! The Jews that were instrumental in having Jesus arrested and crucified, may not have realized what they were doing, but they were acting in a dual capacity; on the one hand, they were enemies of Israel without knowing it, and they were doing the work of God by fulfilling all that He had planned. I guess what it is that is being said, has a lot to do about God's will, with or without our help, His will is going to be done; the only difference is the effect that it might have on individuals, and even then, it is all according to His will. Go figure out how that works; because when I try to figure it out, I just get mesmerized...

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up." (Hosea 8:7)

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