Thursday, July 11, 2019

"Just Beyond"

"Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion." (Psalms 129:5)

  I have got to be a little open this morning about some things I see happening in this country that are really not right: the fact that someone can even remain in office, whether it is in Washington or in a State Office, and refuse to represent this Country, respect our flag, and believe in the founding principles on this Nation, is beyond anything I have ever thought I would see happening in my lifetime. You might have heard the saying, 'Rome was conquered not by barbarian invasion from without, but by barbarian multiplication within.' It goes to show how much can happen when you let your guard down, whether we are taking about a nation, a church, or even a family unit; when you fail to protect the borders of your principles and your beliefs, then things get a little ugly on the inside, while you are still focusing on the the outside. I was listening to something on 'To Every Man an Answer, ' and Leo was sharing about something that he posted a video of on their Facebook page; it was an encounter that Elizabeth Warren had with two supposably Jewish women, asking if she was elected president, would she help push Israel back out of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, and she said that she would. Zion is the representation of the City of David, the Holy Mountain, the Temple Mount, the place that the Holy One of Israel has established and is sacred to Him. If you will, Zion is that which represents the anointing of God upon the people of Israel; the word Zion means 'parched place,' but because God has established it for His people to worship there, it is a fortress, a sunny place, a sunny mountain. The main point I guess that I am trying to get at, is the fact of what and why something is established in the first place. Take this Nation for example, "In Order to form a more perfect union," is part of the preamble of the U.S. Constitution; and if the precept of, what was formed and why, is no longer an issue or no longer respected, then the whole thing is totally worthless. It is a lot like the beginning of the Bible: If you cannot get past the Fact that God created Heaven and Earth in the time that the Bible says He did, then there is really no reason to believe anything else that is written after that! The Scripture clearly says, repeatedly, "the evening and the morning were the day," so what part of the day is so hard to understand? I really like Gabriel's statement in Luke 1:37, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." I am pretty sure that nothing means, Not A Thing...

"If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema, Maranatha." (1 Corinthians 16:22)

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