Thursday, December 20, 2018


"Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope." (Psalms 119:49)

  If we get right down to it, hope is the thing that keeps us holding on. Without hope, there is really nothing to keep us pressing forward; just one more, and one more, and so on and so on we go. I'm just 'sayin,' if you don't have hope, you cannot cope! This would most likely focus upon the law of hope; just in case you were wondering. Yes, hope has a law attached to it as much as anything else. The law that hope brings with it, is the desire to see what you cannot see yet; you know it is there waiting for you, and sooner or later it will be yours. David is king, yet this hope in his heart is in something beyond an ordinary kingdom. We sometimes might forget that David, along with many other of the Old Testament saints, were looking for the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. They looked forward to the cross, we get to look back to what Jesus did on the cross; but it is really all the same kind of faith. Regardless of when it happened, it is still dependent upon the belief that His death on the cross has paid the price for our sins; the blessed assurance that our sins have been forgiven and that we have been gifted with eternal life. I know it might not seem to some as the kind of thing that they can put all of their hope into; like where is the proof? How do I know that my sins have been taken away? I surely can't count on the proof of being sinless? Oddly enough, the same question was in the hearts of everyone that died in the wilderness from being bitten by those serpents. Those that died, failed to see the healing power in the Brazen Serpent that was lifted up; they sinned, they were being judged for there sins, and how was looking up at a Brazen Serpent on a pole going to change anything? Well, if you are told by someone representing God, that it will work, then faith starts by hoping it will work. Without hope, faith is useless...

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." (Hebrews 11:1) NLT

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